FREE Custom Thread Colors ($50 value) on all of our American Made Fishing Rods


"“I’ve been using Cajun Rods for four years now, specifically the AtLed 7’3” MHF rod. It’s lightweight but strong, and sensitive yet durable. In my opinion, it is the best rod on the market.”"

Dustin J. DeBenedetto

I am a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge and have loved fishing for as long as I can remember. It started as a young boy on my family’s annual trip to Grand Isle, Louisiana. Many years ago my grandfather gave me his 14’ flat bottom boat which I actually used to fish in the gulf, just to satisfy my fishing obsession. That probably wasn’t the safest decision I’ve ever made. After I bought my own boat my passion for saltwater fishing skyrocketed. People who have seen my rod and reel collection call me obsessed. My preferred target is trophy speckled trout, but I also enjoy catching dorado, redfish, and tuna.


Years ago I was having trouble with the durability of my rods, so I asked a salesman in a tackle shop for advice. He recommended Cajun Rods and I’ve been using them for four years now, specifically the AtLed 7’3” MHF rod. It’s lightweight but strong, and sensitive yet durable. In my opinion, it is the best rod on the market. I love to fish tournaments whenever possible. Currently I work as a process operator at BASF chemical plant in Geismar. Working shift work is great because it affords me the opportunity to fish during the work week. In 2015 I placed first in the CCA Louisiana Star Tournament in the Dorado division. My proudest fishing accomplishment by far is the CCA Louisiana Star Tournament 2021 first place Speckled Trout, Southeast Division which will net me a 195XTS NauticBay boat with a 115hp Mercury four-stroke. I was actually in first and second place in my division. In the future I plan to open my own charter company so my clients can share my love of fishing.